In the hills of western County Mayo lies Glen Keen Farm—which
means “gentle glen” in Irish. At the farm, you’ll find a culinary school,
tearoom and bakery, petting zoo, and of course, loads of sheep. But the heart
and soul of the farm is Holly, sheepherder extraordinaire.
During our time on the Emerald Isle, I decided the whole of Ireland
seems like one big sheep farm, with a few towns and cities dotting the island. I
understand that in this country of 4.6 million people, there are nearly 4 sheep for
every human! On our travels on the west side of Ireland, I saw sheep being
herded by four-wheelers, but when you’re running sheep on steep hillsides,
motorized vehicles just don’t cut it. That’s where sheep dogs come in.
Jim called Holly his best friend—after all, they spent every
day together, all day. At his command, she would explode into action. She could
get fifty sheep into a pen within a minute or two. Or she could pick one sheep
out of a crowd and into a separate pen just as quickly. Sometimes she couldn’t contain
herself, and she would start herding even when she was supposed to wait. But at
the command “Stay, Holly,” she would instantly stop whatever she was doing. Well,
almost instantly. Watching her, I was thinking she would stop herding only with
the utmost reluctance. Or to humor Jim. You pick.
After watching Holly’s sheep herding, we had lunch in Glen
Keen’s tearoom—basil tomato soup (excellent), ham and egg salad sandwiches,
mini-baguettes and buttered scones
with jam on top. (Carbs, I found, are big in Ireland!) After lunch we got a
brief Irish step-dancing demo from a young lad and lass, and an older fellow
did a bit of a clog-shuffle dance. Still, I think the best “dance” of all was
watching Holly’s fancy footwork on the hills of Glen Keen Farm.
Visit the farm online at!